Docent Organisatiemanagement wint internationale prijs

Ube van der Ham, kerndocent Organisatiemanagement in de Executive MBA heeft de Internationale Process Mining Award gewonnen met zijn innovatieve methodiek voor organisatieanalyses.
Bijna alle organisaties gebruiken tegenwoordig een computersysteem voor hun primaire en ondersteunende processen, maar doen in de praktijk vaak weinig met de schat aan gegevens die wordt opgeslagen. Met process mining kan op basis van de computerbestanden in beeld gebracht worden, hoe processen in de praktijk verlopen. Dat levert inzicht in doorlooptijden, bottlenecks, prestaties, kosten en compliance. De methodiek is daarom zeer bruikbaar voor procesverbeteringen, kostenreducties, benchmarking, customer journey analyse, het integreren van processen of om simpelweg een keer te weten wat zich nou écht in de organisatie afspeelt.
Het doet ons veel genoegen te melden dat Ube van der Ham is onderscheiden, voor de toepassing hiervan op het vergunningsproces van 5 Nederlandse gemeenten, met de internationale Process Mining Award. In onderstaand persbericht kunt u meer lezen over deze award en het oordeel van de jury.

Prestigious process mining award for Dutch consultancy

Process mining is an innovative way to analyse organisations with the use of advanced algorithms, combining data mining and analysis of business processes. The International Business Process Intelligence Challenge (BPIC) aims to advance the application of process mining in real life cases by researchers and professionals in the area of business process intelligence. For the 2015 edition they were challenged to analyse the permit application processes of five Dutch municipalities and identify possible area’s to improve the processes.
The jury of the BPIC 2015 announced that the 2015-award goes to Ube van der Ham of Meijer & Van der Ham Management Consultants. His analysis revealed differences in performance, causes of delays, quality issues, lack of synergies and questions on the compliance of processes.
The announcement was made during the international congress on Business Process Management ( that was held from August 31 to September 3 in Innsbruck, Austria. This congress is currently the most prestigious forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of Business Process Management.
The award was conferred after judgement of 9 contributions from 6 countries in 3 continents. The jury was pleased with the high quality of the contributions in general. The winning contribution distinguished itself by the pragmatic way of linking business processes to the results of the algorithms, the combination of traditional and advanced analysis tools and the emphasis on the human interpretation of calculated results.
Professor Wil van der Aalst of Eindhoven University of Technology commented: “This analysis shows the true power of process mining. This field of science is developing very fast and I am pleased to see that consultants are willing to invest in state-of-the-art knowledge. I expect that we will see many organizations benefitting from applying these techniques.”

Gepubliceerd: 11 november 2015

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